Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Dear Flatmates

Dear Flatmates of Hardcastle 4:

     Thanks for keeping up with the obnoxious slamming of the kitchen door until 4am.  Thanks also for the wonderful mess in the kitchen (I wish I could use the sink and not have to deal with a clogged murky mess-o'-a-thing).  But thanks most of all for apparently throwing eggs and bottles out the kitchen window and getting me put under investigation.  That's exactly what I need: no sleep and having to look over my shoulder for unmarked vans.  I do hope we can resolve this problem without deportation slash/ uncalled-for banishment.  'Til then, regards.

                                  International Room A


  1. Dear writer of this post

    who are you??


  2. The most writer-ly posts on this blog should all be attributed to one person. Also, there's my exceptionally dry sense of humor to clue you in. Haha, I thought it was obvious or I would have kept signing my name on these...
